Monday, March 7, 2011

Why Fix It if its Just A Baby Tooth?

The habits we learn at an early age will carry on into adulthood. When children are taught to brush and floss twice a day, they will likely carry that habit into adulthood. 

Children's dental care is often overlooked, many people believe those baby teeth are just going to fall out and be replaced with the adult permanent teeth. Baby (primary) teeth are important in providing proper chewing and biting, over all self-esteem, speech development and space for larger permanent teeth to erupt.

Besides the fact that tooth decay is the number one preventable illness in children and millions of school hours are lost due to childhood cavities. If  not treated decay can spread to other teeth and gums causing infection.

Even though your child's baby teeth will eventually fall out, they are still a vital part of their oral health and well being. Caring for baby teeth should be considered one of the most valuable lessons to teach a child.

                                                              ( Next Time...... Nitrous Oxide in the Dentist Office )